
Download watch wakko's wish
Download watch wakko's wish

Brain alone is worth seeing the show for. Do agree with everybody that has said that the Pinky and the Brain segments are amazing, true in spirit to the segments in the original in atmosphere and writing and the two characters were clearly written by writers that understood the characters and loved them. Cannot for instance imagine Brain being voiced by somebody other than Maurice La Marche. It was a masterstroke bringing the voice actors back and the right thing to do. The voice acting, done by some of the best and most prolific voice actors in the business now and ever, is impeccable. The music fits well and while it may not enhance the action it adds to it in a way that's appealing and accessible.

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The animation is bright and beautifully detailed with some suitably wild expressions in faces, eyes and body language, despite preferring the bolder and more traditional look. Shall start with the good things and they are many. It is though a very uneven show and when it is not so good it's disappointing. When it hits, it does so incredibly well. The 'Animaniacs' reboot was actually better than expected. Part of me was questioning, is this even needed and was worried about how lacking in new ideas animation has become. Having said that, the point of it was questioned.

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Also was interested with how far the humour had come on and how the Warners would fare in a more contemporary setting. Part of me was fascinated, being a fan of animation for goodness knows how long and some reboots have been better than expected. Expectations were mixed for this 'Animaniacs' reboot. Although 'Tiny Toon Adventures' is not related to this really characters-wise, that was a show that was brilliant at its best though 'Animaniacs' and 'Pinky and the Brain' were a lot more consistent. Likewise with 'Pinky and the Brain' (don't like its spin off very much at all though), due to absolutely loving Brain as a character. 'Animaniacs' is one of my favourite animated shows, loved it when younger but love it even more so due to understanding the references and humour more.

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